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放大字体缩小字体 发布日期:2017-06-16浏览次数:
1 Investigation of electric field threshold of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch triggered by 1.6 mu J laser diode Shi Wei, Jiang H,et al, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 201401 SCI: 000331209900039
2 Large Current GaAs PCSS Triggered by a Laser Diode Shi Wei, Hao Nana, Fu Zhanglong IEEE PHOTonICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 201411 SCI: 000343882600015
3 Impact of Current Filaments on the Material and Output Characteristics of GaAs Photoconductive Switches Ma, Cheng, Shi Wei , et al IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 201407 SCI: 000338027200029
4 A Method for Generating High-Current, Ultrashort, and Square-Wave Pulses based on a Photoconductive Switch Operating in the Quenched High-Gain Mode Wang Xin-Me, Zhang Miao-Miao, Shi Wei, et al IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 201403
SCI: 000332040700029
5 The electronic properties of phosphorus-doped GaN nanowires from first-principle calculations Nannan Fu, Enling Li, et al Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014 SCI: 000332397400016
6 Optical and field emission properties of layer-structure GaN nanowires Cui Zhen, Li Enling, Wei Shi, et al Materials Research Bulletin 2014 SCI: 000338400000012
7 Effect of the VAsVGa complex defect doping on properties of the semi-insulating GaAs Deming Ma, Hongbo Qiao Journal of Applied Physics, 201404 SCI:000335227100018
8 Structural, electronic, and optical properties of GaInO3: A hybrid density functional study V Wang, W Xiao, DM Ma,et al Journal of Applied Physics, 2014 SCI: 0003312108000
9 First-principles study on stability and photoelectron spectroscopy of GanAs2(n = 1–9) clusters Deming Ma, Hongbo Qiao, Wei Shi, et al Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 201401 SCI: 000328005400071
10 THz generation and detection with InGaAs-based large-area photoconductive devices excited at 1.55 آµm Ming Xu, Martin Mittendorff, Roman J. B. Dietz Applied Physics Letters 201312 SCI: 000329973800014
11 Synthesis and Field Emission Properties of Helical GaN Nanowires Enling Li, Sha Song, Deming Ma,et al Journal of Elec Materi 2014 SCI: 000334269500008
12 Field emission properties of the Te-doped pseudohydrogen passivated GaN nanowires: A first principle density functional study Yulong Zhang, Enling Li , Deming Ma,et al Computational Materials Science 2014 SCI: 000329400700040
13 GBAII: A ground based airglow imaging interferometer Part 2: Forward model and inverse method Yuanhe Tang, Xiaodong Duan, Haiyang Gao, Ouyang Qu,Qijie Jia, Xiangang Cao, Shenni Wei, Rui Yang Applied Optics 201404 SCI: 000334165100002
14 GBAII: A ground based airglow imaging interferometer Part 1: Instrument and observation Haiyang Gao, Yuanhe Tang, et al Applied Optics, 201312 SCI: 000328948300004
15 Hybrid functional with semi-empirical van der Waals study of native defects in hexagonal BN, V Wang, RJ Liu, HP He, Solid State Communications 201312 SCI:000329479500018
16 Roles of oxygen vacancy on ferromagnetism in Ni doped In2O3: A hybrid functional study, V Wang*, CY You, HP He, DM Ma, H Mizuseki, Y Kawazoe Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201312 SCI_CD:223NL
17 Structural, electronic, and optical properties of GaInO3: A hybrid density functional study V Wang*, W Xiao, D-M Ma, R-J Liu, C-M Yang Journal of Applied Physics 201401 SCI: 000331210800055
18 Sources of n-type conductivity in GaInO3 V Wang*, W Xiao, L-J Kang, R-J Liu, H Mizuseki and Y Kawazoe Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 201410 SCI期刊源:待检索
19 Analysis of the Interruption Process of Selective Miniature Circuit Breaker With Permanent Magnet Release Qian Wang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPonENTS 201407 SCI: 000339012000009
20 Simulation of arcing process in high voltage self-blast circuit breaker considering QianWang,Li Xingwen, Jiang Xu IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 201410 SCI期刊源:待检索
21 Theoretical analysis of carbon nanotube photomixer-generated terahertz power Jia Wan-Li,Zhao Li 物理学报 201404 SCI: 000336090000038
22 极低频高压脉冲电场对玉米种子萌发影响的频率差异 习岗,高宇,刘锴 高电压技术 201404 EI: 20142117744997
23 基于生物延迟发光评价玉米萌发期抗旱性的方法 高 宇,习 岗,刘 锴 发光学报 201402 EI: 20141017430444
24 生物延迟发光辐照光源系统研制. 杨运经,刘 锴,习 岗,高 宇 农业工程学报 2014 EI:201443117721
25 水分胁迫下萌发玉米的自发发光在抗旱性评价中的应用 高宇,习岗,刘锴,杨运经 光子学报 2014 EI:20141217496727
26 应用超弱光子辐射评价菠菜叶片衰老方法可行性 习 岗,贺瑞瑞,刘 锴,赵燕燕 农业工程学报 2014 EI:201443117777
27 富镓GanAs团簇稳定性及缺陷特性的密度泛函理论研究 马德明,乔红波,李恩玲,施卫,马优恒 原子与分子物理学报 2014
28 Cui Zhen, Li Enling, Wei Shi, Deming Ma, Optical and field emission properties of layer-structure GaN nanowires, Materials Research Bulletin, 56 (2014): 80-85. SCI检索号: IDS: AK4MY,WOS:000338400000012
29 Enling Li, Sha Song, Deming Ma, Nannan Fu, Yulong Zhang. Synthesis and Field Emission Properties of Helical GaN Nanowires. Journal of Elec Materi. (2014) 43: 1379-1383. SCI检索号: IDS:AE8RP,WOS:000334269500008
30 Yulong Zhang, Enling Li , Deming Ma, Wei Wang, Sha Song, Nannan Fu, Jie Lin.Field emission properties of the Te-doped pseudohydrogen passivated GaN nanowires: A first principle density functional study.Computational Materials Science .83 (2014) 277–281. SCI检索号: IDS:285NM,WOS:000329400700040
31 Nannan Fu, Enling Li , Zhen Cui, Deming Ma, Wei Wang, Yulong Zhang, Sha Song, Jie Lin. The electronic properties of phosphorus-doped GaN nanowires from first-principle calculations.Journal of Alloys and Compounds ,596 (2014): 92–97. SCI检索号: IDS:AC3EI,WOS:000332397400016
32 Deming Ma, Hongbo Qiao, Wei Shi, Enling Li. Effect of the VAsVGa complex defect doping on properties of the semi-insulating GaAs, Journal of Applied Physics,2014, 115(15):153703(SCI: 000335227100018)
33 Deming Ma, Hongbo Qiao, Wei Shi, Enling Li, Youheng Ma, Wei Wang. First-principles study on stability and photoelectron spectroscopy of GanAs2(n = 1–9) clusters, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014,118: 533–537(SCI:000328005400071)
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