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放大字体缩小字体 发布日期:2017-06-16浏览次数:
1. Lei Hou, Wei Shi, and Suguo Chen, Noise analysis and optimization of terahertz photoconductive emitters, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quan., 2013, 19(1): 8401305. SCI:000317779700015 (Ⅰ区)
3. SHI, Wei,XIE, Guangyong.A Novel Test Method for Ultrafast Pulse Response Characteristics of ZnO Varistor Ceramics. J. Am. Ceram. Sac., 2013, 96(7): 2179-2183. 000327187800084 (Ⅰ区)
4. 姜欢, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013 (Ⅱ区)
5. Wei Shi, Lin Zhang, Huaimeng Gui, Lei Hou, Ming Xu, and Guanghui Qu. Accurate measurement of the jitter time of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches triggered by a one-to-two optical fiber, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013, 102(15): 154106. SCI:000318269200112 (Ⅱ区)
6. Guanghui Qu and Wei Shi, The reverse mode of the photo activated charge domain in high field biased semi-insulating GaAs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013 102 (8): 082106. SCI:000315597000045(Ⅱ区)
11. Shi Wei,Wang Xinmei, Hou Lei. Lower bound of electrical field for maintaining a GaAs photoconductive switch in high-gain mode. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2013, 60(4): 1361-1364. SCI:000316821800011 (Ⅱ区)
12. Lei Hou, Wei Shi, Suguo Chen, and Zhijin Yan, “Terahertz continuous wave detection using weakly ionized plasma in inert gases”, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., 2013, 34(5): 689. SCI: 000318433400039 (Ⅱ区)
14. Shi Wei, Fu Zhanglong, 2-kV and 1.5-kA Semi-Insulating GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., 2013, 34(1): 93-95. SCI: 000312834200031 (Ⅱ区)
16. Lei Hou, Suguo Chen, Zhijin Yan, and Wei Shi, Terahertz radiation generated by laser induced plasma in photoconductive antenna, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 2013, 49(9): 785. SCI: 000323486700002 (Ⅱ区)
17. Lei Hou, and Wei Shi, “An LT-GaAs terahertz photoconductive antenna with high emission power, low noise, and good stability”, IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 2013, 60(5): 1619. SCI: 000319352900018 (Ⅱ区)
18. Wei Shi, Xinmei Wang, and Lei Hou, “Lower bound of electrical field for maintaining a GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch in high-gain operating mode”, IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices, 2013, 60(4): 1361. SCI:000316821800011 (Ⅱ区)
19. Shi wei, Gui Huaimeng, et al, Influence of the incident laser pulse energy on jitter time of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches, Optics Letters, 2013, 38(21): 4339-4341 SCI: 000327141100020 (Ⅱ区)
20. Shi wei, Gui Huaimeng, Effects of trigger laser pulse width on the jitter time of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch, Optics Letters, 2013, 38(13): 2330-2332 SCI: 000321262500056 (Ⅱ区)
22. M. Mittendorff, Ming Xu, R. J. B. Dietz, H. Künzel, B. Sartorius, H. Schneider, M. Helm, and S. Winnerl. Large area photoconductive THz emitter for 1.55 µm excitation based on an InGaAs heterostructure, Nanotechnology, 2013, 24(21): 214007. SCI:000318223300008 (Ⅰ区)
23. Deming Ma, Hongbo Qiao, Wei Shi, Enling Li, Youheng Ma, Wei Wang, First-principles study on stability and photoelectron spectroscopy of GanAs2(n=1-9) clusters.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 118: 533. SCI:000328005400071 (Ⅲ区)
24. Haiyang Gao, Dengxin Hua, Yuanhe Tang, et al. Wide angle Michelson interferometer with large air gap based on LCoS. Optics Communications, 2013, 292: 36. SCI: 000315008800007 (Ⅲ区)
25. V. Wang*, C.Y. You, H. Mizuseki, Y. Kawazoe.”Roles of oxygen vacancies on ferromagnetism in Ni doped In2O3: A hybrid functional study” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2013, 348. SCI:000324812400009 (Ⅲ区)
39. Yuanhe Tang , Xusan Yang, Haiyang Gao, Yong Wu, Shuiwei Wang, Xiangang Cao, Wanli Jia. A Comparative Study of Two Generation Partial Light Intensity Imager based on Liquid Crystal. Journal of Quatitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT), 2013, 122: 87. SCI:000318825800010
57. 唐远河,吴勇:基于液晶和DSP的强光局部选通智能网络摄像系统研究,物理学报,62(21),214210-1-8,2013
87.习岗,刘锴,徐永奎,高宇. 极低频脉冲电场与高压静电场对作物种子萌发影响的差异 [J]. 农业工程学报. 2013,29 (01):265-271.EI:20131016077806
88. 习岗,刘锴,杨运经,高宇. 基于玉米幼苗电位波动的脉冲电场生物学效应[J]. 高电压技术. 2013,39(01) :129-134.EI:20131016077611
89. 习岗,刘锴,杨运经,高宇. 极低频高压脉冲电场对萌发玉米种子超弱发光的影响[J]. 光子学报.2013,42(06):705-709(EI:20132816483955)
90. 李恩玲,郗萌等,未钝化和H钝化GaN纳米线的电子结构研究, 计算物理(中国核学会),2013,30(2):223-230.
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